Страна производителя: Китай
Гибридный пластавтомат (сервопривод+гидравлика)
Пластиковая тара (коробки,контейнеры), Пластиковые компоненты электроники, Оптика (очки, линзы), Тазы/ведра/коробки/ящики, Жесткие детали/элементы/фитинги, Cтоловые приборы/посуда, Хозтовары
Обрабатываемые полимеры
Полиэтилентерефталат (ПЭТ), АБС-пластик, Полиэтилен низкой плотности (ПЭВД), Полиэтилен высокой плотности (ПЭНД), Полипропилен (ПП)
Макс. высота формы
160 мм
Мин. высота формы
500 мм
•Advanced switch power supply, with operating voltage between 110V and 280V, can be used in all severe power supply environment.
•High pixel (800 x 480) TFT screen with large capacity is used. Adjusting process is more intuitive, more simple in operation, the function is more perfect. It can also simulate the machine action.
•High speed CPU increases capacity for memory to meet the requirements of system control. Injection process also can be shown with graphic recording, makes it more easy for injection technique adjustment.
•It can store injection material information for 200 sets of moulds. Mould information could be selected, duplicated or removed conveniently. SD card can be used to read & save mould data, which is conducive for large-scale production management.
•With network communication port, it can realize the network management of injection molding machine. The work state of production and the factory can be monitored, to achieve the fully automation of production.
•Automatic detection of perfect function and a large number of internal parameters help to adjust the machine to the best state.
•Six stages material injection speeds and pressure, three stages pressure holding speed and pressure, and two stages material molten speed and pressure control can meet all complicated process requirement of products.
•Fuzzy temperature control is used. High and low temperature deviation alarm and thermocouple disconnection detection functions are available.
•Function to prevent cold material start-up.
•Mould clamping, injection, ejector adopt high precision electronic meter for position measuring. The position setting precision is up to 0.lmm.
•Push-out stay, ejector shock and multi push-out functions are available. Ejector forward and backward speed, pressure can be set separately in two stage.
•Counting of forming can be matched with automatic stop function for convenient production management.
•Default monitor: When machine works in automatic mode, computer may monitor the working condition in each period and judge if products and machine are normal or not.
•Computer controlled automatic lubrication devices: According to times of opening and clamping mould, lubricating oil output can be adjusted conveniently through computer.
•Automatic mould adjusting function. Input directly clamping pressure, the computer could automatically finish mold thickness adjustment.
•Information setting can be protected to prevent improper modification.